Overcoming Software

Unpack your Existentials

I recently wrote a library prairie to have “First Class Record Fields.” The overall gist is that I wanted a pair of functions:

    :: Record rec 
    => rec 
    -> rec 
    -> [Update rec]

    :: Record rec
    => [Update rec]
    -> rec
    -> rec

I want to be able to send these [Update rec] over the wire, so they needed to be serializable. The design choice I ended up with borrowed the EntityField idea from persistent.

class Record rec where
    data Field rec a
    recordFieldLens :: Field rec a -> Lens' rec a

Field is an associated data family. Instances will be a GADT where the second type parameter indicates the type of the field. The documentation for Prairie.Class has a good explainer on what’s going on. That’s where I ended up, but the story on how I got there is interesting too.

Packing GADTs

The definition for Update is best represented as a GADT:

data Update rec where
    SetField :: Field rec a -> a -> Update rec

updateRecord :: Record rec => [Update rec] -> rec -> rec
updateRecord upds rec = foldr updateField rec upds
    updateField (SetField field newVal) = 
        set (recordFieldLens field) newVal

The type a is existential - we’ve hidden it from view. Matching on the Field type will expose it to use within the scope of the pattern match. So let’s write a ToJSON instance for an Update.

instance ToJSON (Update rec) where
    toJSON (Update field newVal) =
            [ "field" .= field
            , "value" .= newVal

This fails because we need a ToJSON (Field rec a), and also because we need ToJSON a. We can use a QuantifiedConstraints to get the first:

instance (forall a. ToJSON (Field rec a)) => ToJSON (Update rec) where
    toJSON (Update field newVal) =
            [ "field" .= field
            , "value" .= newVal

But - how do we get the ToJSON a instance?

GADTs allow us to pack up existential types. More powerfully, they allow us to pack up constraints. So let’s just paste it in:

data Update rec where
    SetField :: ToJSON a => Field rec a -> a -> Update a

Our code now compiles. Hooray!

Now, let’s write FromJSON.

instance FromJSON (Update rec) where
    parseJSON = withObject "Update" $ \o -> do
        field <- o .: "field"
        newVal <- o .: "value"
        pure $ Update field newVal

GHC complains about this. We can use a QuantifiedConstraint again to get the Field parsing. But how are we going to know what type the value needs to be? We need to bring the type into scope.

instance (forall a. FromJSON (Field rec a)) => FromJSON (Update rec) where
    parseJSON = withObject "Update" $ \o -> do
        o .: "field" >>= \(field :: Field rec a) -> do
            newVal <- o .: "value" :: Parser a
            pure $ Update field newVal

GHC still isn’t happy. We don’t have an instance of FromJSON a in scope. We also don’t have an instance of ToJSON a in scope, either! GHC is complaining about ToJSON because the Update constructor requires the ToJSON a constraint to work.

This appears to be a bad road. Writing an instance of Show (Update rec) is going to require that we pack another constraint Show a in the GADT. And Eq (Update rec) will require even more constraints.

instance (forall a. Eq (Field rec a)) => Eq (Update rec) where
    SetField field0 val0 == SetField field1 val1 =
        field0 == field1 
        && val0 == val1

This code doesn’t work because we have no idea what the types are! But we can make it work by packing some more constraints in the GADT.

data Update rec where
        :: (Eq a, Typeable a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Show a)
        => Field rec a
        -> a
        -> Update rec

Now, we can write that Eq instance. Because we’re comparing things with potentially different types, we need to compare their types first using the Typeable interface.

instance (forall a. Eq (Field rec a)) => Eq (Update rec) where
    sf0 == sf1 =
    case sf0 of
        SetField (f0 :: Field rec a) (v0 :: a) ->
            case sf1 of
                SetField (f1 :: Field rec b) (v1 :: b) ->
                    case eqT @a @b of
                        Just Refl ->
                            f0 == f1 && v0 == v1
                        Nothing ->

Well. This works, but dang is it ugly. Look at the constructor to Update - it has so many constraints! And, what’s worse, we’re going to need a new constraint packed in there for every single class we want to write an instance. Gross!

Fortunately, there’s a better way.


We want the ability to say:

I have a Field rec a, and I want to have an instance of ToJSON a in scope.

Or, if we generalize,

I have a Field rec a, and I want to have an instance of c a in scope.

That sounds an awful lot like a function:

    :: forall (c :: Type -> Constraint) (rec :: Type) (a :: Type)
     .  Field rec a -> c a

Except that doesn’t work. We can’t have a Constraint as the return type of a function. But we can have a Dict. Dict is a GADT from the constraints package.

data Dict c where
    Dict :: c => Dict c

Whenever we unpack a Dict c, we get the constraint c in scope. So we might have a Dict (Eq Int). And unpacking that will bring Eq Int into scope.

fieldDict :: Field rec a -> Dict (c a)

Now our types and kinds line up. We might use this like:

case fieldDict someField of
  Dict :: Dict (Eq a)-> 
    view (recordFieldLens someField) old
        == view (recordFieldLens someField) new

The constraint Eq a is in scope there, so we can use == with it.

We can write it in a “continuation passing style” to avoid needing to case on the GADT every time.

withFieldDict :: (c a) => Field rec a -> (c a => r) -> r
withFieldDict f k = case fieldDict f of
    Dict :: Dict (c a) -> k

Unfortunately, this isn’t doing anything for us. We need the c a dictionary in scope to even call this, which means we’re not gleaning any additional information with the Dict. We’ll need to replace the c a constraint with something that’ll allow us to communicate what we need. We’re replacing a c a :: Constraint, which suggests we need a type class of our own. The whole problem is that we don’t know how to refer to a except through the GADT field, and we keep the rec parameter around.

    (Record rec)
        (c :: Type -> Constraint) 
        (rec :: Type) 
    fieldDict :: Field rec a -> Dict (c a)

    :: forall c rec a r. FieldDict c rec 
    => Field rec a
    -> (c a => r)
    -> r
withFieldDict field cont =
    case fieldDict @c field of
        Dict :: Dict (c a) ->

This compiles.

Defining instances is relatively straightforward. We write a pattern match on the field type and return Dict.

instance FieldDict Eq User where
    fieldDict field = case field of
        UserName -> Dict
        UserAge -> Dict
        UserId -> Dict

instance FieldDict Ord User where
    fieldDict field = case field of
        UserName -> Dict
        UserAge -> Dict
        UserId -> Dict

instance FieldDict Show User where
    fieldDict field = case field of
        UserName -> Dict
        UserAge -> Dict
        UserId -> Dict

instance FieldDict ToJSON User where
    fieldDict field = case field of
        UserName -> Dict
        UserAge -> Dict
        UserId -> Dict

Uh oh. This is boring. Can we do better?

Yes! We can actually be generic over the constraint, provided that it holds for all the types.

instance (c String, c Int) => FieldDict c User where
    fieldDict field =
        case field of
            UserName -> Dict :: Dict (c String)
            UserId   -> Dict :: Dict (c Int)
            UserAge  -> Dict :: Dict (c Int)

The type signatures are unnecessary - they’re just there to show that you are returning different things.

Back to the JSON

Alright, let’s rewrite our ToJSON instance using FieldDict.

data Update rec where
    SetField :: Field rec a -> a -> Update rec

    ( forall a. ToJSON (Field rec a)
    , FieldDict ToJSON rec
    ToJSON (Update rec)
    toJSON (Update field newVal) = 
        withFieldDict @ToJSON field $
                [ "field" .= field
                , "value" .= newVal

This works. What about parsing?

    ( forall a. FromJSON (Field rec a)
    , FieldDict FromJSON a
    FromJSON (Update rec)
    parseJSON = withObject "Update" $ \o -> do
        field <- o .: "field"
        case field of
            (_ :: Field rec a) ->
                withFieldDict @FromJSON field $ do
                    val <- o .: "value"
                    pure (SetField field val)

This works too!

If you find yourself packing your existentials to great dismay, consider this approach instead.


I’ve got a whole chapter dedicated to the design and implementation of the prairie record library in my book Production Haskell. If you liked what you read here, you’ll probably enjoy the rest of the book.