Overcoming Software

Working with Haskell CallStack

GHC Haskell provides a type CallStack with some magic built in properties. Notably, there’s a constraint you can write - HasCallStack - that GHC will automagically figure out for you. Whenever you put that constraint on a top-level function, it will figure out the line and column, and either create a fresh CallStack for you, or it will append the source location to the pre-existing CallStack in scope.

Getting the current CallStack

To grab the current CallStack, you’ll write callStack - a value-level term that summons a CallStack from GHC’s magic.

import GHC.Stack

emptyCallStack :: IO ()
emptyCallStack = putStrLn $ show callStack

If we evaluate this in a compiled executable, then GHC will print out [] - a CallStack list with no entries! This isn’t much use. Let’s add a HasCallStack constraint.

giveCallStack :: HasCallStack => IO ()
giveCallStack = putStrLn $ show callStack

Running this in our test binary gives us the following entry, lightly formatted:

[ ( "giveCallStack"
  , SrcLoc 
    { srcLocPackage = "main"
    , srcLocModule = "Main"
    , srcLocFile = "test/Spec.hs"
    , srcLocStartLine = 18
    , srcLocStartCol = 9
    , srcLocEndLine = 18
    , srcLocEndCol = 22

We get a [(String, SrcLoc)]. The String represnts the function that was called, and where SrcLoc tells us the package, module, file, and a begin and end to the source location of the call site - not the definition site.

Let’s construct a helper that gets the current SrcLoc.

getSrcLoc :: HasCallStack => SrcLoc
getSrcLoc = snd $ head $ getCallStack callStack

I’m going to call print getSrcLoc in my test binary, and this is the output (again, formatted for legibility):

    { srcLocPackage = "main"
    , srcLocModule = "Main"
    , srcLocFile = "test/Spec.hs"
    , srcLocStartLine = 27
    , srcLocStartCol = 15
    , srcLocEndLine = 27
    , srcLocEndCol = 24

We can use this to construct a link to a GitHub project - suppose that we called that inside the esqueleto repository, and we want to create a link that’ll go to that line of code. Normally, you’d want to shell out and grab the commit and branch information, but let’s just bake that into the link for now.

mkGithubLink :: HasCallStack => String
mkGithubLink =
        [ "https://www.github.com/bitemyapp/esqueleto/blob/master/"
        , srcLocFile srcLoc
        , "#L", show $ srcLocStartLine srcLoc
        , "-"
        , "L", show $ srcLocEndLine srcLoc
    srcLoc = getSrcLoc

Let’s call that from our test binary now:

main = do
    -- snip...
    example "mkGithubLink" do
        putStrLn mkGithubLink

The output is given:


But - that’s not right! That’s giving us the source location for getSrcLoc inside of mkGithubLink. We want it to give us the location of the callsite of mkGithubLink.

Fortunately, we can freeze the current CallStack, which will prevent getSrcLoc from adding to the existing CallStack.

Freezing the CallStack

GHC.Stack provides a function withFrozenCallStack, with a bit of a strange type signature:

withFrozenCallStack :: HasCallStack => (HasCallStack => a) -> a

This function freezes the CallStack for the argument of the function. This is useful if you want to provide a wrapper around a function that manipulates or reports on the CallStack in some way, but you don’t want that polluting any other CallStack.

Let’s call that before getSrcLoc and see what happens.

mkGithubLinkFrozen :: HasCallStack => String
mkGithubLinkFrozen =
        [ "https://www.github.com/bitemyapp/esqueleto/blob/master/"
        , srcLocFile srcLoc
        , "#L", show $ srcLocStartLine srcLoc
        , "-"
        , "L", show $ srcLocEndLine srcLoc
    srcLoc = withFrozenCallStack getSrcLoc

-- in test binary,
main = do
    -- snip
    example "mkGithubLinkFrozen" do putStrLn mkGithubLinkFrozen




More real-world examples

As an example, the library annotated-exception attaches CallStacks to thrown exceptions, and each function like catch or onException that touches exceptions will append the current source location to the existing CallStack.

However, handle is implemented in terms of catch, which is implemented in terms of catches, and we wouldn’t want every single call-site of handle to mention catch and catches, and we wouldn’t want every call site of catch to mention catches - that’s just noise. So, we can freeze the CallStack:

    :: (HasCallStack, Exception e, MonadCatch m) 
    => (e -> m a) -> m a -> m a
handle handler action = 
    withFrozenCallStack catch action handler

    :: (HasCallStack, Exception e, MonadCatch m) 
    => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
catch action handler = 
    withFrozenCallStack catches action [Handler handler]

    :: (HasCallStack, MonadCatch m) 
    => m a -> [Handler m a] -> m a
catches action handlers = 
    Safe.catches action (withFrozenCallStack mkAnnotatedHandlers handlers)

mkAnnotatedHandlers :: (HasCallStack, MonadCatch m) => [Handler m a] -> [Handler m a]
mkAnnotatedHandlers xs =
    xs >>= \(Handler hndlr) ->
        [ Handler $ \e ->
            checkpointCallStack $ hndlr e
        , Handler $ \(AnnotatedException anns e) ->
            checkpointMany anns $ hndlr e

Now, there’s something interesting going on here: consider these two possible definition of handle:

handle handler action = 
    withFrozenCallStack catch action handler
handle handler action = 
    withFrozenCallStack $ catch action handler

It’s a Haskell instinct to write function $ argument, and it seems a bit odd to see withFrozenCallStack - a function - applied without a dollar. This is a subtle distinction - withFrozenCallStack applied to catch alone just freezes the CallStack for catch, but not for handler or action. If we apply withFrozenCallStack $ catch action handler, then we’ll freeze the CallStack for our arguments, too. This is usually not what you want.

Freezing Functions

Let’s explore the above subtle distinction in more depth.

wat :: HasCallStack => IO ()
wat = do
    wrap "unfrozen" (printSrcLoc getSrcLoc)
    withFrozenCallStack $ wrap "dolla" (printSrcLoc getSrcLoc)
    withFrozenCallStack wrap "undolla" (printSrcLoc getSrcLoc)

printSrcLoc :: SrcLoc -> IO ()
printSrcLoc = putStrLn . prettySrcLoc

wrap :: HasCallStack => String -> IO a -> IO a
wrap message action = do
    putStrLn $ concat
        [ "Beginning ", message
        , ", called at ", prettySrcLoc getSrcLoc
    a <- action
    putStrLn $ "Ending " <> message
    pure a

Before seeing the answer and discussion below, consider and predict what SrcLoc you expect to see printed out when wat is called.

Let’s zoom in on that:

    wrap "unfrozen" (printSrcLoc getSrcLoc)
    withFrozenCallStack $ wrap (print getSrcLoc)
    withFrozenCallStack wrap (print getSrcLoc)

Both lines type check just fine. The difference is in which CallStacks are frozen. The first line freezes the CallStack for the entire expression, wrap (print getSrcLoc). The second line only freezes the CallStack for the wrap function - the CallStack for the (print getSrcLoc) is unfrozen.

Let’s see what happens when we run that:

Beginning unfrozen, called at src/Lib.hs:51:40 in callstack-examples-
src/Lib.hs:40:34 in callstack-examples-
Ending unfrozen
Beginning dolla, called at test/Spec.hs:34:19 in main:Main
test/Spec.hs:34:19 in main:Main
Ending dolla
Beginning undolla, called at test/Spec.hs:34:19 in main:Main
src/Lib.hs:42:53 in callstack-examples-
Ending undolla

For unfrozen, wrap calls the SrcLoc that corresponds to it’s putStrLn $ concat [..., getSrcLoc] call. This always points to the wrap definition site - we’d want to freeze that getSrcLoc if we wanted the call site of wrap in that case. The next line (src/Lib.hs:40:34 ...) is our printSrcLoc getSrcLoc function provided to wrap. That SrcLoc points to the call site of getSrcLoc in the file for that function.

For dolla, we’ve frozen the CallStack for both wrap and the function argument. That means the SrcLoc we get for both cases is the same - so we’re not really returning the exact SrcLoc, but the most recent SrcLoc before the entire CallStack was frozen. This SrcLoc corresponds to the call-site of wat in the test suite binary, not the library code that defined it.

For undolla, we’ve only frozen the CallStack for wrap, and we leave it untouched for printSrcLoc getSrcLoc. The result is that wrap prints out the frozen CallStack pointing to the callsite of wat in the test binary, while the function argument printSrcLoc getSrcLoc is able to access the CallStack with new frames added.

It’s easiest to see what’s going on here with explicit function parenthesization. Haskell uses whitespace for function application, which makes the parentheses implicit for multiple argument functions. Let’s write the above expressions with explicit parens around withFrozenCallStack:

    (withFrozenCallStack (wrap "dolla" (printSrcLoc getSrcLoc)))
    (withFrozenCallStack wrap) "undolla" (printSrcLoc getSrcLoc)

I almost wish that withFrozenCallStack always required parentheses, just to make this clearer - but that’s not possible to enforce.

Unfortunately, yeah, mkGithubLinkFrozen is broken if we’ve frozen the CallStack externally:

-- test
main :: HasCallStack => IO ()         
main = do                             -- === line 16
    -- snip...

    example "frozen githublink" do
        putStrLn (withFrozenCallStack mkGithubLinkFrozen)
                                      -- ^^^ line 37

This outputs:

frozen githublink

Line 16 points to main, where we’ve included our HasCallStack constraint. What if we omit that constraint?

main :: IO ()         
main = do                             -- === line 16
    -- snip...

    example "frozen githublink" do
        putStrLn (withFrozenCallStack mkGithubLinkFrozen)
                                      -- ^^^ line 37

This outputs:

frozen githublink
callstack-examples-test: Prelude.head: empty list

Uh oh!

Well, GHC.Stack doesn’t provide a utility for us to unfreeze the CallStack, which makes sense - that would break whatever guarantee that withFrozenCallStack is providing.

If we look at the internal definitions for CallStack, we’ll see that it’s a list-like type:

data CallStack
  = EmptyCallStack
  | PushCallStack [Char] SrcLoc CallStack
  | FreezeCallStack CallStack

Then we can see withFrozenCallStack’s implementation:

withFrozenCallStack :: HasCallStack
                    => ( HasCallStack => a )
                    -> a
withFrozenCallStack do_this =
  -- we pop the stack before freezing it to remove
  -- withFrozenCallStack's call-site
  let ?callStack = freezeCallStack (popCallStack callStack)
  in do_this

That ?callStack syntax is GHC’s ImplicitParams extension - it’s an implementation detail that GHC may change at any point in the future. Let’s rely on that detail! It has remained true for 10 major versions of base, and we can always try and upstream this officially…

import GHC.Stack.Types

thawCallStack :: CallStack -> CallStack
thawCallStack stack =
    case stack of
        FreezeCallStack stk -> stk
        _ -> stack

withThawedCallStack :: HasCallStack => (HasCallStack => r) -> r
withThawedCallStack action =
    let ?callStack = thawCallStack (popCallStack callStack)
     in action

Unfortunately, we can’t call this within mkGithubLink - that unfreezes the CallStack, but at that point, it’s too late.

Yet another “safe” use of head that turns out to be unsafe! Only in Haskell might we have a totally empty stack trace…

Propagating CallStack

When you write a top-level function, you can include a CallStack. Any time you call error, the existing CallStack will be appended to the ErrorCall thrown exception, which you can see by matching on ErrorCallWithLocation instead of plain ErrorCall.

CallStack propagation is fragile. Any function which does not include a HasCallStack constraint will break the chain, and you’ll only have the lowest level of the CallStack. Consider boom and boomStack:

boom :: Int
boom = error "oh no"

boomStack :: HasCallStack => Int
boomStack = error "oh no, but with a trace"

If we evaluate these, then we’ll see very different information. error will summon it’s own CallStack, which will include the callsite of error itself:

callstack-examples-test: oh no
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Lib.hs:76:8 in callstack-examples-

Line 76 and column 8 point exactly to where error is called in the definition of boom. Let’s evaluate boomStack now:

callstack-examples-test: oh no, but with a trace
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Lib.hs:79:13 in callstack-examples-
  boomStack, called at test/Spec.hs:40:15 in main:Main
  main, called at test/Spec.hs:16:1 in main:Main

Now, we see the entry for error’s call-site, as well as boomStack’s call site, and finally main - the entire chain!

Remembering to put HasCallStack constraints everywhere is a bit of a drag, which is another motivation for my annotated-exception library - all of the functions which touch exceptions in any way will push a stack frame onto any exception that has been thrown. This means that any catch or finally or similar will do a much better job of keeping track of the stack frame. Diagnosing problems becomes far easier.

We can do this for ErrorCall, but it’s annoying, because the location is a String.

mkStackFrameLines :: CallStack -> [String]
mkStackFrameLines =
    map formatFrame . getCallStack
    formatFrame (fn, srcLoc) =
        fn <> ", called at " <> prettySrcLoc srcLoc

addStackFrame :: HasCallStack => IO a -> IO a
addStackFrame action = do
    let newLines =
            map ("  " <>) $ mkStackFrameLines callStack
        appendLoc locs =
                (locs : newLines)
    action `catch` \(ErrorCallWithLocation err loc) ->
        throwIO $ ErrorCallWithLocation err (appendLoc loc)

-- These functions are used here .
-- Try and predict what their output will be!

moreContextPlease :: IO ()
moreContextPlease =
    addStackFrame $ do
        print boom

moreContextPleaseStacked :: HasCallStack => IO ()
moreContextPleaseStacked =
    addStackFrame $ do
        print boom

When we evaluate moreContextPlease, we’ll see this:

callstack-examples-test: oh no
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Lib.hs:77:8 in callstack-examples-
  addStackFrame, called at src/Lib.hs:84:5 in callstack-examples-

This gives us a little more context - we at least have that addStackFrame call. But addStackFrame happily adds everything in the trace, and moreContextPleaseStacked has an unbroken line:

callstack-examples-test: oh no
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Lib.hs:77:8 in callstack-examples-
  addStackFrame, called at src/Lib.hs:89:5 in callstack-examples-
  moreContextPleaseStacked, called at test/Spec.hs:40:9 in main:Main
  main, called at test/Spec.hs:16:1 in main:Main

Wow! A complete stack trace, all the way from error to main. You never see that.

Unfortunately, the String makes deduplicating lines more challenging. boomStack included the HasCallStack, which would be an unbroken chain too - let’s see how that plays out…

moreContextPleaseStacked :: HasCallStack => IO ()
moreContextPleaseStacked =
    addStackFrame $ do
        print boomStack

Evaluating this now gives us:

callstack-examples-test: oh no, but with a trace
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Lib.hs:80:13 in callstack-examples-
  boomStack, called at src/Lib.hs:90:15 in callstack-examples-
  moreContextPleaseStacked, called at test/Spec.hs:40:9 in main:Main
  main, called at test/Spec.hs:16:1 in main:Main
  addStackFrame, called at src/Lib.hs:89:5 in callstack-examples-
  moreContextPleaseStacked, called at test/Spec.hs:40:9 in main:Main
  main, called at test/Spec.hs:16:1 in main:Main

We get error, boomStack, moreContextPleaseStacked, main - the original stack trace. Then we append to that addStackFrame, which also adds in moreContextPleaseStacked and main again. So, clearly, this is noisier than it needs to be - ideally, we would not include duplicates. This should be possible - addStackFrame could potentially parse the location String and if it finds a shared suffix (in this case, moreContextPleaseStacked), then it can only insert the addStackFrame call above it and drop the rest.


I’ve mentioned annotated-exception a few times. This library extends the CallStack machinery to any exception that is thrown by the library or passes through an exception handler. Additionally, you can provide additional metadata information on your exceptions, which makes debugging them much more useful. You can now transparently add, say, the logged in user ID to every single exception that gets thrown in a code block.

The source code for this blog post is available at this GitHub repository.